Step 5: Sitecore XP9 Install using SIF – Install and Import SIF Modules

Now is the time to install and import two important modules – Sitecore Install Framework Module and Sitecore Fundamental Module.

1.    Open Powershell in administrator mode. Register the Sitecore Repositories by running the following command on Powershell :

Register-PSRepository –Name SitecoreRepo –SourceLocation


2.    When the Prompt asks for inputs. Press Y2

3.    Now Install the SIF Module by running the command below

Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework


4.    Then install Sitecore Fundamental Module by running the command

Install-Module SitecoreFundamentals


5.    Now we need to import both the modules. Hence first import Sitecore Fundamentals, run this command.

Import-Module SitecoreFundamentals


6.    Now import Sitecore Installation Framework module, run this command

Import-Module SitecoreInstallFramework


Pretty simple right? Awesome… lets begin the main show and as a next step we will execute SIF Installation Script.


10 thoughts on “Step 5: Sitecore XP9 Install using SIF – Install and Import SIF Modules

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  1. I executed this command: Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation

    I received this error message: Register-PSRepository : The specified Uri ‘’ for parameter
    ‘SourceLocation’ is an invalid Web Uri. Please ensure that it meets the Web Uri requirements.


  2. Hi, I have an issue and I am hoping you can assist me.. When I run the Import-Module SitecoreFundamentals and Import-Module SitecoreInstallFramework, I get the following error:

    Import-Module : The script ‘SitecoreFundamentals.psm1’ cannot be run because the following modules that are specified
    by the “#requires” statements of the script are missing: WebAdministration.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Import-Module SitecoreFundamentals
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (SitecoreFundamentals.psm1:String) [Import-Module], ScriptRequiresE
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ScriptRequiresMissingModules,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand


      1. Hi, I have an issue and I am hoping you can assist me. When running the .ps1 file, I am getting the following error:

        Info: Adding database (user id=scuser;data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=sc9_MarketingAutomation)
        Info: Adding database (MsDeploy.Site/dbFullSql[@path=’user id=scuser;data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=sc9_MarketingAutomation’]/sqlScript)
        Info: Opening SQL Connection with connection string ‘data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=sc9_MarketingAutomation;user id=scuser;pooling=False’. The ‘transacted’ setting for this connection is ‘False’.
        Info: Adding database (user id=scuser;data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=Sitecore.Messaging)
        Info: Adding database (MsDeploy.Site/dbFullSql[@path=’user id=scuser;data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=Sitecore.Messaging’]/sqlScript)
        Info: Opening SQL Connection with connection string ‘data source=SLJPC0U5KW4\SQLSERVER;initial catalog=Sitecore.Messaging;user id=scuser;pooling=False’. The ‘transacted’ setting for this connection is ‘False’.
        Error: Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is too short.
        Error count: 1.
        More Information: An error occurred during execution of the database script. The error occurred between the following lines of the script: “9” and “12”. The verbose log might have more information about the error. The command started with the following:

        “CREATE USER [messaginguser] WITH PASSWORD = ‘123”

        Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is too short. Learn more at:
        Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code – (-1)
        At C:\Sitecore9\SC9Install\Install.ps1:47 char:1
        + Install-SitecoreConfiguration @xconnectParams -Verbose
        + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration

        I cannot locate where “CREATE USER [messaginguser] WITH PASSWORD = ‘123” is being set.


      2. I understand. With a little troubleshooting, I found a workaround. I have since encountered another issue: Error: Missing source parameter ‘EXM Master DB Name’ (). This must be set for successful synchronization.

        Sitecore.StackExchange ( says incorrect files, but I got the correct files from the website.

        I’m looking for any other possible causes & solutions.


      3. Well, I see you posted your question in SSE as an answer which is not correct, please see my comment there. There is definitely something wrong with your files. Please make sure if you edited the OOTB files, you dint mess anything unwanted.


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